Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Module 3 Review 3-2-1

Module 3 Review 3-2-1

Q Think about what you've learned so far. Then consider how you might apply your newfound knowledge or if you need more clarity. In complete sentences, answer the following: 1. Identify 3 concepts or ideas about the Italian Renaissance that are culturally and historically significant (for example: humanism, perspective, and modern currency). Write one paragraph about each concept or idea (3 paragraphs total). 2. Explain 2 ways in which you will apply this information to life, in some way identify with the information learned, or value the culture studied. Write one paragraph about each way (2 paragraphs total). 3. Write a question you still need answered. Then, reply to 3 peers.

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In Italy, in the 14th century, humanism has been the intellectual movement of academics, writers and civic leaders. Humanists replied to the utilitarian approach to education by attempting to produce a citizenry capable of speaking and writing eloquently and thereby participating in civic life. The movement was largely based on the beliefs of Italian philosopher and poet Francesco Petrarca, which were frequently centred on humanity's ability to achieve. While Humanism began as primarily a literary movement, its influence swiftly spread into the general culture of the time, reviving traditional Greek and Roman art forms and paving the way for the Renaissance.